Top-Ranking On-Page SEO Strategies for 2023 in Google and Other Search Engines

Nowadays, brands and their marketing teams must rely on a plethora of factors. They must maintain track of things like likes, following, retweets, comments, shares, tags, and mentions. Plus, if you're still in business, especially after the COVID-19 epidemic, you should remember to be grateful.

With over 20 social media platforms available for marketing, finding time to check your Google rating on top of everything else may be difficult. After all, haven't social media altered the way people look for information? Is it possible that these channels may eventually replace Google?

According to the data, Google is still the most visited website in the world, with over 95 billion cumulative monthly visitors. To put this into perspective, Facebook has just 20 billion total monthly visits, while Instagram and Amazon each have a little more than 4 billion. In reality, Google has been the most visited website for the previous decade.

Why Does Your Google Ranking Still Matter?

Despite the fact that the digital marketing environment has evolved with new platforms gaining popularity, a high Google ranking remains one of the greatest strategies to get visitors to your website. According to internet analytics, the top five organic results on page one generate more than 67% of all clicks!

Finally, if more people visit your website, you have a greater chance of converting these visitors into new clients. Furthermore, if you rank better than your competition, you may be able to steal some of their potential clients.

However, acquiring new consumers (or diverting some of your competitors' potential customers) isn't the only goal. It also helps your brand's or company's reputation. While credibility may seem duller than new customers, if you can persuade your target audience you're one of the most reputable sources in your field, you'll be able to leads that must eventually be converted into paying clients.

10 Tips for Ranking Higher

1. Focus on On-Page Seo Strategy

On-Page SEO strategy is one of the simplest strategies to improve your Google results in 2023. You will not only save time, but you will also get results rapidly. In a nutshell, it refers to all of the aspects of your website's pages that may be optimized, such as headlines, page names, and graphics. Off-page SEO, on the other hand (which is equally vital), is concerned with increasing relevance for search engines by, for example, obtaining more backlinks.

To get you started, here are some best practices for on-site SEO:

  • Put your keywords at the start of your title tags.
  • Concentrate on producing long-form material (aim for at least 1,800 words)
  • Put your keyword in two or three times on each page (keyword stuffing will get you the opposite result)

2. Don’t Neglect Technical Seo

Technical SEO is the process of ensuring that your website is built in such a way that search engines can easily crawl and index it. Although content is still king, your efforts will be fruitless if search engines cannot locate, crawl, and index your sites.

You must, for example, ensure that:

  • All your pages are secure
  • Your site is optimized for mobile
  • You have no plagiarised or identical material on different pages of your own website.
  • Pages load quickly
  • All the links work


Google favors HTTPS-enabled websites (short for hypertext transfer protocol secure). Essentially, it aids in ensuring that any information exchanged between the website and the user is safe.

If you don't have HTTPS yet for whatever inexplicable reason, make it a point to acquire an SSL certificate in 2023 to confirm the identity of your website. After all, it's not only about satisfying search engines; it should also keep your people secure. The fact that Google will reimburse you for going the additional mile is a thoughtful gesture.


Not only will faster-loading pages lower your bounce rate, but Google's algorithm will take it into account when ranking websites. While many of the other components are do-it-yourself jobs, if you lack technical skills, you'll most likely need to engage an SEO Services in Dubai or a website design company to assist you with this step.

Google's PageSpeed tools, on the other hand, can be really useful. It will assess the content on your pages, provide you with information about your "Speed Index," and then provide recommendations on how to improve loading speeds.

User experience (UX)

It should be simple for consumers and search engines to navigate your website. Not only should your websites be easy to browse, but they should also seem professional and appealing.

Mobile Optimization

While all of these components are vital, it is critical that your site be mobile-friendly. No one should have to zoom in to read text on a mobile device or fight to click a button. Not in 2023!

If you're still not sure that it's a major problem, consider the following:

Mobile devices produce more traffic than desktop computers. Furthermore, Google ranks and indexes websites mostly through their mobile versions.

While the mobile website design and style might alter to improve the user experience, the content must remain the same as on the desktop site. You were misled if you believed it was as simple as removing some words.

3. Don’t Settle for Low-Quality Content (ever)

Google's algorithm gives a lot of weight to backlinks, which are links to your website that are put on other websites. So, one of your main goals should be to persuade readers to share your content on social media. And you can only count on visitors to do that if you continuously provide top-notch content.

Backlinks not only demonstrate that consumers find your material beneficial, but they also demonstrate to others that you are educated about your field. Furthermore, the more individuals who link to your material, the more Google understands that your information is reputable and shareable.

However, you should not simply generate content and then sit back and wait for people to share it with you. Instead, actively seek it by contacting other respected websites and companies and asking if they would be interested in publishing a guest post that you've authored. You may use this method to add your own hyperlinks to relevant material on your website. Furthermore, getting authoritative websites to link back to your website will help your domain authority (DA) score. This method, once again, will only work if you publish high-quality material. This implies you should refrain from coming out as excessively spammy, which is a typical pitfall when writing guest blogs.

4. Create Internal Links

While we've talked extensively about the value of backlinks, you should also focus on developing internal links. An internal link is a link to another page inside the same domain. In a nutshell, they assist Google in identifying and indexing your web pages.

One advantage of employing internal links is that the anchor text may perfectly match the content. As a result, they are quite simple to construct and do not require the use of third-party websites. Internal links should be put at the top of the web page if possible. This can also aid in lowering your bounce rate (and by improving we mean lower, but more about this later).

5. Include LSI Keywords

LSI keywords (also known as latent semantic indexing) are similar terms that a search engine, such as Google, may utilize to gain a better understanding of the content of a page. They aren't really synonyms, but rather phrases and words that are closely connected to your primary keyword.

For example, if your primary keyword is influencer marketing, LSI keywords may include social media, marketing campaigns, brands, Instagram, marketers, endorsements, and so on. You get the picture.

You may still utilize synonyms, but you'll also need to employ LSI keywords. This is because search engines changed over time. Keyword density is no longer required for Google to grasp what your website is about.

6. “E-A-T” More

While Best SEO Agency in Dubai is one of the most commonly used terms when discussing Google rankings, Google E-A-T is another three-letter acronym that can assist you in the new year. It essentially denotes competence, authority, and confidence. These are the three elements that Google analyses when calculating the ranking potential of your website. This is especially true if your website concentrates on so-called YMYL issues (aka your money or your life). These are often pieces of content that provide medical, legal, safety, or financial advice.

The reputation and experience of your author are referred to as expertise (s). Will visitors to your website find information created by reliable and experienced authors? You may demonstrate your knowledge by including brief author bios on your website, for example.

Absolutism is mostly determined by your internet reputation and the recognition you receive. That is just another reason why credible sources should link back to your material. A press release, for example, might be useful if you want to gain mentions from the correct sort of press (in On-Page SEO strategy, there is such a thing as poor publicity).

7. Match Search Intent

Do you know what your intended audience wants to know about the topics you want to write about? You may believe that they already understand the fundamentals of a topic, such as an influencer marketing, and wish to learn more in-depth, or vice versa.

Essentially, Google pays websites that publish material that people frequently look for. What does your target audience type into Google's search box most often? Do people look to the internet for how-to tutorials, real-world examples, or starting tips?

Examining the material on the first page is one technique to ensure that your content fits the search intent. Do your articles address that topic? If not, consider it a chance to repurpose some of your earlier material to make it more relevant to what your target audience is searching for online.

8. Improve Your Bounce Rate

Visitors that come to your site, look at one of your pages, and then return to the search page will harm your search rankings. This indicates to Google that people are dissatisfied with your website. In other words, a lower bounce rate indicates that consumers love exploring your website.

A low bounce rate is not only better for search ranking, but also means that visitors have more time to get to know your business, which may assist to enhance sales and customer loyalty. Isn't this your ultimate objective at the end of the day?

To reduce your bounce rate, make sure that all of the key content is visible above the fold (in other words, visitors should not have to scroll down to locate the information they want).

9. Incorporate Video

There has been a great deal written about content and keywords. Most of the time, this is related to written material such as blog posts, white papers, state of industry reports, and so on. Content, on the other hand, may (and should) take the shape of video.

In fact, today's search results are more likely to include videos in the form of video carousels than in the past. Remember that, to provide a better user experience, Google provides not just text results, but also video, photos, and news items.

10. Share Statistical Data

You might also attempt to offer stuff, such as statistics and data, that people can use on their own blogs from time to time. Statistics are frequently linked back to by content writers, which can earn you significant backlinks.

For example, you may add information in the form of an infographic. As previously said, including visuals such as infographics might assist to minimise your bounce rate, which can boost your Google search page results.


Don't bring old anxieties into the new year if you've previously feared On-Page SEO strategy. Sure, we've presented an extensive list of things to do and modify, but as you've undoubtedly guessed, many of them are interconnected.

For example, high-quality content generates more backlinks, increasing your trustworthiness. Improving your page performance can help reduce your bounce rate, which signals to Google that your site is trusted. So, while it may appear to be too much work, if you're working on one area, you're simultaneously working on a lot of other aspects. And, if you're stuck for ideas, your content is an excellent place to start. 
